
Resident Evil: Review

If you look at the schedule of the game releases of January, you will have to admit: the HD-transformations have finally become commonplace, like the endless DLC stream to everything in the world. Gamers have no choice: you need to either come to terms, or extract benefits from the current situation.

Arithmetic here is very simple: a game that has been re -released twice is definitely good. If you have already passed it many years ago, you don’t lose anything. Missed – there is

an opportunity to catch up. From this point of view Resident Evil HD Remaster – This is a real find, because one of the best remakes in the history of video games used to be available only on GameCube and WII.

To save or not to save?

Group of detachment S.T.A.R.S. He arrives at the old mansion in order to investigate the mysterious disappearance of his colleagues from the Bravo team. Terrible dogs attack the operatives, the helicopter pilot decides to retire, and the fighters find themselves in a mansion filled with riddles, walking dead and monsters. After some time, it turns out that a scientific laboratory is hidden under the residence, work is underway on some virus, and a traitor was closed to the team. There is nothing new in this, and it is unlikely that today there will be a person who has not heard at least scraps of this story.

But the gameplay Re After so many years, it surprises and looks like a rare overseas wonders. In addition to jokes, so blockbusters do not do it anymore. First of all, two playable characters are offered to choose from: Jill and Chris, each with his own unique scenario of passage. Key plot events will remain in their places, but affordable items, routes, separate KAT scenes and dialogs vary.

Invariably the main thing: the mansion will remain a dangerous and extremely unpleasant place. Literally in every room of the player will fire a zombie;a dog can jump out of the window;The ceiling may start falling right on the head. There are disastrously few lives: after 4-5 strokes, the hero is guaranteed to fall dead dead. There are enough opponents, and each is a real danger – on an ordinary zombie you will have to spend half the store (and well, if there is at least one spare). But these are all flowers compared to the fact that even the amount of conservation is strictly limited.

Add the fact that without careful reading of texts and studying objects in the inventory it is impossible to solve the riddles that are found here every twenty minutes. And the camera chooses such viewing angles that part of the room always remains invisible and, therefore, poses a potential threat. Inventory is ridiculously small: in addition to weapons, one first -aid kit and a pair of quest objects, nothing is placed there. Everything else has to be stored in special “safe rooms”, where there is a chest with Luta and a printing machine for preservations.

A game that is considered one of the ancestors of the Survival Horror genre makes it possible to feel all the shades of this phrase. Each decision is worth time, effort and nerves. You have to think, learn to get out of the most difficult situations and save resources.

There are two types of people: some look at the right side of the picture, while others correctly place priorities.

The concept has not suffered at all from time. Your first passage will turn into a serious test. Even if it does not turn out to be terrible, it will require stress and concentration. In this sense Resident Evil For a modern player, it is best to compare with Dark Souls. That, of course, a compliment.

Good, bad, zombies

All of the above is fair for the original released back in 1996. However, in 2002, it was created Resident Evil for GameCube, in which, according to Shinji Mikami (Shinji mikami), 70% of the content has been changed and corrected. It is this version that was processed for modern platforms.

First of all, the graphics were subjected to a serious improvement. Today it has been updated twice, and it is safe to say that this is one of the most beautiful and spectacular games of the last time. Improved lighting, backdrops are manually processed, and the characters are pulled up to the current level. Camera angles are updated. The voice acting is completely overwritten. But these are trifles: the main thing, the already original and well -verified structure of the game was repeatedly modernized.

Mechanics were supplemented by two important innovations. Heroes received “weapons of self -defense” – small disposable objects, such as a dagger or shocker that allow you to hit the zombie captured and save part. But all the good is compensated by something twice as worse: a dead man who was killed not with a shot in the head, can now stand in the image of a “red-headed” one after a while. Such a zombie will run faster and withstands more hits. It’s almost impossible to get out of a fight with him without losses. The threat should be prevented: for this, the player gives a lighter, flask and cans of fuel scattered everywhere. If you had to kill someone, then do not be too lazy to burn the body. You never know.

The mansion on which the heroes walk has changed. The number of rooms has been increased, street locations were expanded. Puzzles are processed (some have become simpler, others are more complicated). The eyes are pleased with the mass of detailed drawn-in scenes with a bathtub or a zombie cabinet. All the usual “screamers” either changed the location, or now they work a little differently: for example, if in the 96th year the player tried to leave the house at the very beginning of the game, then the dog scared him, and in the 2002 version and now she runs insideand can kill even before the first checkpoint.

The premises released after the reconstruction were filled with additional plot branches, for example, the history of the architect of the mansion (and his family), which by the end of the game pours into the battle with the new Boss. Separate episodes were completely redone from scratch.

New additional modes have appeared: increased complexity of Real Survival, invisible enemies, a “one dangerous zombie” modifier – after passing both campaigns, if you start again, the protagonist will be pursued by a dead man hung with grenades. His death leads to an explosion of the mansion, so it remains only to run away. In addition, today’s version from the very beginning makes it possible to choose the costumes of characters (their images from new parts) and offers super -light difficulty. Play it, however, pure blasphemy: gameplay mechanics simply crumble from excess cartridges and ink to preserve.

Thanks to all this in Resident Evil HD Remaster Fans recognize your favorite childhood game, but the feeling of nostalgia will constantly be interrupted by surprises. The tense campaign is supplemented by a mass of unique situations, passage has become much more diverse and satisfactory. The number of new content is really huge, and the carefully done work deserves the highest rating.

It is believed that it was this guy that became a key reason for HD-transformation-users are preparing for Revelations 2.

Play Resident Evil HD Remaster Needless. This is a high-quality HD-interview for relevant platforms-with updated characters models, lighting, personnel frequency settings and everything that a demanding modern gamer may be needed. This is a HD-interviewing one of the best remakes in history, in which more than half of the game was rethought and redone, a serious amount of new content has been added and almost every aspect of the gameplay was improved. Finally, this is a HD-rendering a remake of a magnificent game-an unlucking classics, the gameplay of which even after 20 years manages to scare and keep in suspense.

Pros: improved models, lighting, textures;added all the necessary graphic settings;You are unlikely to play this version Resident Evil.
Cons: Some textures remained muddy.

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