“Lamp”, truly interesting economic strategies germinate under the light of enthusiasm and on the basis of painstaking work of individual geniuses. Such games, like chess, exist for decades, become famous all over the world and forever gather around themselves thousands of fans. The most respectable representatives of the genre are rightfully considered registered creations Willa Wright (Will Wright) – Simcity 1984; Peter Moligne (Peter molyneux) – Populous 1989; Chris Sawyer (Chris sawyer) – Transport Tycoon 1994. Their Immortal Spirit inspires newcomers to the creation of high -quality reincarnations of the past.
Over the past few years, economic strategies have experienced a real boom of remakes: Simcity (2013), Traffic Giant In the face CITIES in Motion, Patrician 4, Port Royale 3 and so on. In some ways, adherents are inferior to the original, somewhere exceed the ancestors. The most important thing is that they do not go unnoticed by modern studios and publishers. In honor of the twenty years Transport Tycoon A team of professional developers this spring will lower the standard transport strategy with Crowdfunding slippery, which has all the chances of becoming a new legend of our time. Ladies and gentlemen, we meet – Train Fever!
The thirst for adventure and the knowledge of the new forces the characters from Train Fever to use the services of transport magnates.
Crowdfunding start with a scientific background
To date, the author of the original Chris Soyer I did not abandon the old business. A remake has recently appeared in his list of successful games Transport Tycoon For tablets. Does he want to return to the tups? Alas and ah. Chris fought with “add -ons” for a long time, who dreamed on the basis of the original game code to create an improved option – Openttd, deprived of the shortcomings of the classic taicun and, of course, commercial benefits. After he got involved in protracted trials with publishers in pursuit of the cash royalties, which seemed to him too small. Now he is driving on the basis of existing developments something of his own in the obviously profitable sphere of applications for portable devices. And here the place is to say: “Chris is no longer a cake”.
But young and promising Swiss from Urban Games The strength and desire to create an interesting long -playing transport strategy with the addition of the latest technologies, detailed simulations and an attractive visual part are full. In 2012, they entrusted with the hopes for the crowdfunding platform Gambitious, where they received more than 800 thousand euros in just a year (including external investments). And this is the only project to date today, which has a serious scientific base.
In 2009, the team formed reports for Eurographics, which affect the topics of the dynamic modeling of the urban area, the simulation of the zonal development of territories, the forecasting processes of the development of centers and dispersal the periphery of the periphery of the settlements are tidy-up. Their descriptions and innovations were interested in the scientific community and a number of investors. Over the year, they projected the theory to alpha version of the three-dimensional engine, where it is possible to simulate the city under construction using Cityengine technologies.
Since all participants Urban Games Highly passionate video games, including transport strategies, did not have to think about further steps for a long time. It remains only to collect a sufficient amount of money to implement your plans on the example of a specific game. Fans of the genre supported the initiative with such activity that the developers immediately got down to business, without waiting for the completion of the crowdfunding program – its final was predetermined.
There are residential buildings and factories in the city, so the offices moved to the center and grow up with profit, attracting migrants from the province.
Modest marketing in Swiss
So the project of the transport strategy was conceived Train Fever, resembling a conceptual mixture Transport Tycoon, Locomotion, Railroad Tycoon, Transport Giant And CITIES in Motion. The most active stage of development is currently undergoing, when basic elements are polished to shine and additional opportunities are still being introduced. Urban Games expects to go through the commercial scheme of representatives of the AAA-class games. She promises to release the main part of the game in May and further improve it due to volumetric DLC and free updates. Such an approach, according to the authors, will allow you to continue to work without emergency and haste even after the release.
Promising, is it not true? In recent months, we have repeatedly experienced disappointment from “Kikstarter” ambitions. Therefore, we will trust only with exceptional caution. Nevertheless, there are still their heroes among those who want to cash in on the trusting users. Perhaps exactly Train Fever will be a wonderful example of the successful embodiment of the “Wishlist” of the players. At least at the moment, all the necessary prerequisites are in abundance. Representatives Urban Games Boldly look the truth and do not wag their tail in the manner Maxis, when curious fans overcome their uncomfortable questions.
One of you remembers as before release Simcity (2013) The developers talked with the community? “What size will there be in this game? – The cards will be large enough, a city with skyscrapers will certainly fit on them!”As a result, we received shreds of territories with a size of 1.7 x 1.7 kilometers. IN Urban Games also avoid numbers. But not because they are not suitable as a marketing trick. You see, just in Switzerland such a mentality is not customary to show off there. Instead of 1.7 x 1.7 kilometers, a square of the world map in Train Fever has sides 16 x 16 kilometers. Yes it is even more than in CITIES in Motion 2, where locations 8 x 8 are proposed. But still no one has been able to fully build them up.
Freshly baked transport Taikun promises to use every free meter of sweeping spaces. Since 1850, until the 2000, the card is constantly changing. What awaits the player further? No one knows. The level of futuristic Cits of Tomorrow, Of course, you should not expect. We just study this miniature world to help the characters living in it get to the places where they dream of getting. Roads, railways, sea and river arteries, airlines … tools are rich. But about everything in order.
Cities – factories, villages – farms, children – ice cream!
The main feature Train Fever – built -in autonomous urban planning game that is not subject to us. But do not be discouraged – instead of us she is controlled by Silicon mayor. Small villages, farms, villages, district centers and megacities are in the grip of artificial intelligence. Different characters inhabit this world. As usual, they want to earn money and satisfy their needs for food and goods.
If the city has an industrial area, then there is work for citizens. If something is produced at the factories, then the goods received are taken for processing in order to eventually receive finished products. It is already being implemented in the markets and in stores where settlers love to walk. They rejoice in life, eating a delicious sandwich in their own house. With raising happiness in a prosperous city, inhabitants of the outskirts rush into it.
Coal, iron ore, oil, cattle and grain form the raw material basis of goods. Clear business, mines, oil towers (appear by the middle of the game) and careers are not where it is convenient for mayors of cities and transporters, but where nature wants to pour minerals. Man -made factories, on the contrary, are built closer to civilization. The manufactory of ore into steel The manufactory will easily decline if there are no geological excavations in the district. The same with farms. No gardener will want to grow grain and environmentally friendly cows next to the factory. Most likely, he will settle in a remote village on the slope of the mountain or in the fields rich in black.
IN Urban Games promise a reasonable location of cities, villages, factories and mines. The engine selects on the map a place for construction with a thorough “study” of territories. For example, a wheat field in the middle of the forest in Train Fever will not appear, like a plant in a village of three houses. This is a very significant property for such a strategy. In the same Transport Tycoon, Simutrans And Locomotion illogical automatic placement of production often spoiled the entire gameplay.
Cunning cities: procedural buildings and zonal
Each settlement is unique. As we already know, Train Fever uses scientific research in the field of modeling urban development. The game actively divides cities into zones. Residential, commercial and production areas cannot mix in a random order in real life. Proposed Urban Games Simulation of the development of the city at the first stage creates a net of streets and potential directions of borders, taking into account the landscape, radial, radial or rectangular layout and many other factors. At the second stage, zones are distributed. Residential are next to commercial, but away from industrial. At the third stage, a procedural dynamic system of generating buildings from several blocks is included. It forms unique and unique buildings.
True, from now on no identical houses! The same street at different times without the participation of the player will look different. In 1850, it will be decorated with wooden or stone buildings. In 2000, the game will choose steel frames or foam blocks. The appearance, purpose and capacity of buildings due to extensions changes. Perhaps the old house will be demolished, and in its place a newfanging shopping and entertainment center will appear (as is familiar, true?). In the worst case, all residents leave the city, and the remaining streets turn into abandoned slums.
Without our participation, artificial intelligence is trying to give residents accessible to him everything they need. Municipal transport works in cities. Raw materials are being trained, trucks transport it to factories, and then finished goods from the conveyor are sent directly to stores. The men travel between villages and cities in their two, on horses (in the early stages of the game) and on cars (in later). To connect the outskirts with centers, the virtual government is building roads and new buildings. In other words, the game is independent and autonomous, like a large -scale model with moving models.
By the time of the release Urban Games does not have time to prepare a full -fledged competitor controlled by artificial intelligence for the construction of a transport empire. There will be no multiplayer regime. Although both are planned to be launched later. The necessary code is now left in the scripts, and some of its pieces are written in the background to the main job. Thus, in virtual settlers, only we remain the only chance of turning a boring province into a rich center.
By the way, in Train Fever We are not a soulless god with the name of the transport company. Developers suggest that we choose a protagonist. Each of the heroes presented has some special skills. The engineer will receive bonuses in the speeds, repair and maintenance of large expensive objects. The accountant determines the main needs of the company, conducts detailed statistics and is best controlled with the expenditure part of the budget. Entrepreneur – special in business negotiations with municipal authorities. His skills allow to achieve the most profitable subsidies from the city for the implementation of the government transport program. The last character – “Shark Business” – special. He, as a “sandbox” mode in Simcity (2013), Chitersky.
First of all, the railway
Tools for the construction of megaprojects in our case even wider than that of the master Yakunin. In addition to railways of several types with alarm, bridges and tunnels, as in Sochi, we can create almost the rest of the transport system. The same roads are building both the virtual government and the player himself. Several types of tracks up to four -lane tracks with and without traffic lights, various intersections, multi -level interchanges, tram lines and so on. Moreover, the coating is improved from the primer to the asphalt.
In the final version, we will see a small part of the transport from the planned. Buses, trucks, trains and trams-only 50 models of rolling stock, including carriages with horses and horseback (horse-drawn city road) in the early stages of the game. The plans to finish passenger aviation and trolleybuses, create ferries and subway from scratch with underground stations. Urban Games will release them with separate addons. In addition, the studio fully believes in the community of modmakers who can work for their pleasure at a no less professional level. Therefore, the expansion of the rolling stock fleet is just a matter of time. We are promised to provide all the necessary software, including an animation converter.
When everything is ready for the transport empire, the player is invited to place a depot, buy a bus or truck, and then drive it along the first route. If the cost of fuel and depreciation (depot content and repair) will be below the revenue from the flight, then we will begin to make a profit. The economic situation in Train Fever Dynamically changes. It is still unknown whether the period of World War II will somehow affect the game, as it was in CITIES in Motion, But in the 2000s, fuel will definitely fly into a penny.
The game with steam and horse rod begins. Over time, diesel and gasoline will be invented. At the first opportunity, infrastructure should be electrified. In the 2000s, the benefits of using electric trains will only grow. For example, high -speed trains may be an ideal way to travel between big cities. Well, they are ready to launch your own “Sapsan”?
Railways are built in several ways. A key tool – stretching the line on the map, when the landscape automatically changes to “Snipov” slopes and turns. The more complicated the conditions of laying, the more expensive the project will be released. At the moment Urban Games introduced two types of railways – old (slow) and modern (high -speed), as well as two types of signals – travel and maneuver. The compositions cannot encounter or pass through each other. They will stand in a depot and report on the employment of the site. Thus, c Train Fever The alarm was put at the forefront.
Having held a railway line with a volume passenger traffic to the city, we may encounter the problem of lack of public transport. Well, a citizen arrived in Bolshoi Bobruisk, and then where? The townspeople first choose the goal, and then follow it by any means – up to the walk (but within reasonable distances, of course). And if two different buses go to the same point, then the character will choose the first one who came. Logical? Authors CITIES in Motion, Transport Tycoon And Locomotion It didn’t seem so. Or they just do not like complex artificial intelligence. In these games, the passenger decides in advance what route to go, and refuses any other way.
In addition to passenger transport, the creators promise to introduce cargo transportation into the release version.
Train Fever It is very favorably distinguished by its logical calculations of passenger flows and ligaments “House -Work – Store” for each resident. Therefore, it is important to satisfy the needs of not only intercity migrants, but also citizens leading a sedentary lifestyle. Buses for small settlements and trams for megacities will be an excellent way to select passengers from stations and a simple population delivery to factories, to shops, to houses. When there are more and more people, nodal stops can be “upgraded” as buildings in Simcity (2013). The platforms are expanded in length, the stations are acquired with new buildings, they can be connected to transport hubs with stations.
Urban Games does not intend to compete with any transport strategy. Authors Train Fever They dream of creating a game unique in their class, where all the “Wishlist” of fans and a large -scale will be embodied Transport Tycoon, and city CITIES in Motion. Self -governing settlements from small to great, procedural generation of unique buildings, detailed simulation of production processes and cargo movement, logical passenger traffic, free layout and construction of roads, realistic laying of railway tracks in the most difficult landscapes, large amounts of transport, “customization” of objects, support for modding, colossal plans for DLC and updates … let Train Fever It will not be deprived of shortcomings, we still look forward to it as the return of the legend. After all, no one has yet made such a serious attempt to revive a valuable creation for 20 years Chris Sawyer.